Service Dog vs ESA pet

Emotional Support Animal vs Service Dog: What Are The Similarities and Differences?

Do you love coming home from a long day at work to a happily wagging tail? Do you enjoy snuggling with your furry friend when you feel sad or lonely? Do you consider your pet to be the best therapist you’ve ever had?

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Dr. Bethany McCall on the Power of Emotional Support and Service Dogs Enhancing People’s Life

Miriam Richard from Dogs in Vests on the Healing Power of Emotional Support and Service Dogs

Miriam Richard interview about the benefits of emotional support dogs and service dogs. Miriam is a physical therapist, author of 2 books “Gut Healing” and “Dogs In Vests:”, researcher, and service dog trainer.

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therapeutic possibilities of animals

Ann R Howie Interview about How Pets Can Help in the Therapy Session

That being said, humans have basic needs to be understood, to love, and to be loved. Domesticated animals depend on us for care, and they don’t talk back in human language (even though they communicate well when we know how to listen). Those can be appealing qualities for humans, and those qualities can be interpreted as providing emotional support.

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Can an Emotional Support Dog Go Anywhere With You?

Can an Emotional Support Dog Go Anywhere With You?

Unlike other types of assistance animals such as service dogs, emotional support dogs cannot go anywhere with you.

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Breed Restrictions on ESAs

Are There Any Breed Restrictions on ESAs?

Learn all the qualifications for an emotional support animal and the distinctions between different types of ESAs, including any restrictions on breeds.

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Can You Have Two Emotional Support Dogs

Can You Have Two Emotional Support Dogs?

For some people, having a single emotional support dog may not be enough. Their needs could be too great for a lone dog to handle or their lifestyle or circumstances may require different emotional support dogs at different times or for different situations. But can you have more than 1 emotional support dog? The answer, in short, is yes—but with some definite caveats and restrictions.

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Emotional Support Dogs Fly In Cabin

Can Emotional Support Dogs Fly In Cabin?

An emotional support dog can fly in cabin on all domestic and most international flights. Learn more about airline-, airport-, and country-specific requirements.

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Can Children With Emotional Problems Be Eligible for Emotional Support Dogs?

Can Children With Emotional Problems Be Eligible for Emotional Support Dogs?

Children are eligible for any type of emotional support animal, but dogs may well make the best emotional support animals for children. Before getting an emotional support dog for your child, be sure that it is indeed the right type of dog for your child’s needs.

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Can I Get an Emotional Support Dog for Anxiety

Can I Get an Emotional Support Dog for Anxiety

Yes, you can get an emotional support dog for anxiety. Learn more about what it entails to legally make your pet an emotional support animal and how to go about doing it properly and effectively.

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Can I Get an Emotional Support Dog for Depression

Can I Get an Emotional Support Dog for Depression

To qualify you for an emotional support dog with depression it must impair your ability to perform certain normal activities of daily living, such as traveling or living on your own.

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